What is minimum wage in Santa Clara County?

Santa Clara County Minimum Wage Update 2024

Welcome to our article on the latest updates regarding the minimum wage in Santa Clara County. In 2024, there will be an increase in the minimum wage, ensuring fair compensation for workers in the region. If you’re curious about the current minimum wage, the upcoming increase, and the impact it may have, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive in!

Impact of Minimum Wage Increase in Silicon Valley

The rising expenses of daily living in Silicon Valley pose significant challenges for workers and business owners despite the minimum wage increases in Santa Clara County. While these wage increases are meant to address the financial welfare of employees, workers and businesses argue that they are insufficient to cover the high cost of rent and other expenditures.

The astronomical rise in basic necessities’ prices, coupled with steep housing costs, adds to the financial burden faced by individuals and families in the region. As a result, business owners express concerns about their ability to sustain their operations. They fear that the need to compensate for higher wages may force them to raise prices, which in turn affects the affordability of residents.

Thus, the need for a standardized minimum wage throughout all cities in Santa Clara County becomes evident. Establishing a consistent baseline wage that accounts for the high cost of living in the region would alleviate the financial strain on workers and provide stability for businesses.

Considering the exorbitant expenses of daily life in Silicon Valley, it is crucial to implement measures that go beyond minimum wage increases. A comprehensive approach that encompasses a living wage concept, tailored to meet the unique demands of Santa Clara County, would better address the needs of its workforce. By acknowledging the realities of the region’s economic environment, policymakers can ensure fair compensation for employees and foster a thriving business ecosystem.

Minimum Wage Increases in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale

The third source confirms the minimum wage increases in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale. Starting January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Santa Clara will be $17.75 per hour, while in Sunnyvale, it will be $18.55 per hour. These increases are based on the regional consumer price index.

The state minimum wage in California will also see an increase to $16 per hour in 2024. However, it is important to note that fast-food workers in major chains and healthcare workers will have different minimum wage rates. Fast-food workers will see their minimum wage increase to $20 per hour in April, while healthcare workers will have incremental pay bumps starting in June. The federal minimum wage will remain at $7.25 per hour.

In summary:

  • Santa Clara minimum wage: $17.75 per hour
  • Sunnyvale minimum wage: $18.55 per hour
  • California state minimum wage: $16 per hour
  • Fast-food workers in major chains: $20 per hour (starting in April)
  • Healthcare workers: Incremental pay bumps (starting in June)
  • Federal minimum wage: $7.25 per hour

Minimum Wage Comparison

Let’s take a closer look at how the new Santa Clara and Sunnyvale minimum wages compare to the state and federal minimum wages:

LocationMinimum Wage
Santa Clara$17.75 per hour
Sunnyvale$18.55 per hour
California$16 per hour
Federal$7.25 per hour

As we can see from the table above, both Santa Clara and Sunnyvale have higher minimum wages compared to the state and federal minimum wages.


In conclusion, Santa Clara County is set to implement a minimum wage increase in 2024, with the new minimum wage being $17.75 per hour. This adjustment aims to ensure that workers in the county receive fair compensation for their efforts. Employers must comply with the Minimum Wage Ordinance, which includes fulfilling obligations such as documenting employee hours, providing necessary information, and posting official notices.

However, despite this minimum wage increase, the high cost of living in Silicon Valley remains a concern, particularly in regard to housing expenses. Workers and businesses alike face challenges in meeting the rising costs of daily living. Standardizing the minimum wage across the entire county and considering a living wage that accounts for the region’s high expenses could help address these issues and create a more sustainable economic environment for Santa Clara County.

For workers in Santa Clara County, this minimum wage update brings a glimmer of hope for improved financial stability. By ensuring fair wages, the county can work towards reducing income inequality and promoting overall economic well-being. It is crucial for employers to stay informed about these changes and proactively adjust their payroll systems to comply with the new minimum wage requirements.

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